Friday, July 29, 2011

So much bugs.

Bugs seem to be a plenty when I started adding for functions, made to move around some code for optimization and then added key clears cause they seem to be my biggest problem with GM detecting a key function then just applying it again and re closing an opened menu.

My convoluted item use function seems to be bugged to all hell, it seems to handle picking up items fine even different instances of the same item it has no trouble differentiating in the room , but for some reason if I use the item on certain parts the room it gives me the dialog for using the item correctly and then it one particular spot the game seems to lock up. What the shit?

Might have to look at reworking it, it's kinda hard to tweek it when there should be no conceivable way this is happening.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two scripts? I Feel fucking productive.

Today started off slowly, thought I wouldn't get much work done. Sudden jolt of ideas came to me while walking the dog no what I should be working on next.
Got two scripts done, which is pretty pleasing. First I converted my old antiquated technique of calling regular text by just calling on the object and then adding in all the global parameters there is in what was like 5 lines of code, most of this is shifted script side so now all I need to do is call my Text function add in how much lines then add an extra argument for each line, single and only takes up a line of code.(And I always feel smart getting use of my for loops.)

Once I finished that I started adding Text responses to actions lines error dialog if you try and drop an item where there is no room it will tell you such and all that.

Secondly I did a script for item usage and finally have finished the last part of the inventory system, which is item use. Tested it out by making a wood object on the map and using id position checking and some really convoluted code which I wish I could of made simpler I can destroy said wood with my lighter item. Fucking Arson yeah.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Exciting stuff

Nothing big today, no real progress just more fixing up code and optimization.
Got rid of the whole ridiculous tag objects I used to store names for items in the inventory and replaced it with generated dynamic fonts so I don't have to make a whole new sprite and object for text.(What was I thinking when I first did this?)

Instead of separate objects for each item place holder in the inventory i replaced it with one that handled all inventory slots and tags using the draw function.

I did a little bit of dabbling in the battle system mostly clearing a few things around for when I add the inventory screen for the battle system, mostly why I'm fixing up the inventory now while I can before I implement it's use in battles. I made a shitty little design menu for in battle mostly similar to the world inventory screen.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It Begins.

Already started on this awhile back but I decided since I've begone to under go a more serious mentality towards finishing this then a mere side project I'd start logging progress I make.
The game is still in earlier development and I'm working on getting the Engine done, before I build the game around it.

Before I go into whats done I guess I should talk about what the game is and what I hopefully plan for it to be.

It's a Survival Horror/RPG esqe game akin to Sweet Home for the NES, which has mostly inspired this game along with many other Survival horror titles I've played.
The game will focus a lot on the survival aspect and will not be incredibly long, due to that there will be no saving, no continues or check points. Once you're dead, that's it. You'll have control of two characters, who you will need to work together in order to survive. When a Character dies, it's the the end for that character, but the other man continue to try and finish the game.

So that leaves the game with 3 possible endings, either both survive, or only one of the other. The characters can die in a multitude of ways along with being killed in battle to dieing from events that happen outside of battles, like pitfalls and the such, these are all events you can survive of course if you can get your partner to help.

Game is a top down view RPG like, where there are enemies on the map and if that catch you it prompts a battle, you have control of both characters separately and switch between them at hand, even during battles. So you may encounter an enemy then switch to your partner so he may run in from whats he's doing to come help out.
Like any good survival horror the game will also feature puzzles, some cooperative some not. But I will allow for methods in which the cooperative puzzles may be done solo if your partner has died.

That's it for that, story wise the game is still underdeveloped and I haven't completely worked it all out yet so there's nothing definite i'm going to say about that.

So far completed:
-Switching system(Shift can switch between the characters, in and out of battle.)
-Inventory mostly done(You are able to pick up and drop items in and out of your inventory, but the use function is not done yet.)
-Static rooms and room changing(You can go into different rooms, drop items and they will stay there switch between characters in different rooms and they maintain position.)
-Text system(Dialog for normal talking is done, with a custom font built in as well multiple choice boxes for such things as picking up items.)
-Basic Battle System(Initiation set up with monster place holder information done as well as the Attack and run commands. Time bar is up and working and health bar.)
-HUD(For checking who is currently active and the health status of each character)

Update:(What i got done today)
Today I mostly was fixing up some stuff and getting to know my old code again as well as fixing up some graphics on the menus.
I changed from having two active statuses for both Quinn and Rogue and switched it to one active called Stage making things more flexible adding a new variable cActive for which character is active. This required me to do a lot of rewriting of my former code which actually helped me see where I left things at. Also commented a lot of previous work I did after sussing out what did what to keep things clear.
Also fixed a small glitch that kept the inactive character still in battle after the monster is killed.