Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two scripts? I Feel fucking productive.

Today started off slowly, thought I wouldn't get much work done. Sudden jolt of ideas came to me while walking the dog no what I should be working on next.
Got two scripts done, which is pretty pleasing. First I converted my old antiquated technique of calling regular text by just calling on the object and then adding in all the global parameters there is in what was like 5 lines of code, most of this is shifted script side so now all I need to do is call my Text function add in how much lines then add an extra argument for each line, single and only takes up a line of code.(And I always feel smart getting use of my for loops.)

Once I finished that I started adding Text responses to actions lines error dialog if you try and drop an item where there is no room it will tell you such and all that.

Secondly I did a script for item usage and finally have finished the last part of the inventory system, which is item use. Tested it out by making a wood object on the map and using id position checking and some really convoluted code which I wish I could of made simpler I can destroy said wood with my lighter item. Fucking Arson yeah.

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